Monday 5 January 2009

Alex Smedley

Alex is the older of the Smedley brothers. He's super fast and super stylish. Alex usually leads the way down trails and finds a way to go huge off everything. Best of all he'll give you a free can of Monster Energy at the end of the ride. 

Bike: Orange 223
Fav local trail: Black run, Aston Hill 
Fav riding vid: The Uprising
Wants to visit: Pila, Italy 
Off the bike: Giving out cans of Monster and stickers

Mark Smedley

Mark is a 19 year old gap year student who'll be starting at Keele Uni in September. Whilst I've been sleeping and studying he's been out getting better and better and can now pull some pretty sweet manuals. He knows more about downhill bikes and riders than anyone else I know. Most of the photo's on this blog are taken by Mark. 

Bike: Orange Patriot 66 
Fav local trail: DH3, Aston Hill 
Fav riding vid: 3focus 
Wants to visit: Whistler B.C 
Off the bike: Eating, drawing bikes, playing guitar

Peter Woodward

Peter, or Pete, works as an IT consultant in such glamorous places such as Reading and Blackpool, but he regularly stops in at home to go riding. He's a naturally talented rider who is able to pick up any bike and ride and his normal fast pace within minutes. He spent a year working in Germany living just a short journey away from the Bad Wildbad bike park.

Bike: Orange Patriot 
Fav trail: biker cross at Badwildbad
Fav vid: Seasons
Wants to visit: Winterberg, Germany 
Off the bike: Snowboarding in the winter, being outside

David Hall

The first time I met 'Death Metal' Dave I was terrified of him. He was big, scary, and talking about killing someone who'd borrowed his bike. But Dave is actually one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He's a brilliant mechanic and has fixed my bike loads of times out in Morzine.

Bike: Intense M3 
Fav Local: Hopton 
Fav riding vid: Between the tapes 
Wants to visit: Mont St Anne, Canada 
Off the bike: Mosh pit, Death Metal, being a top guy