Wednesday 9 September 2009

Morzine Video

I put this video together weeks ago but the internet out in the sticks is rubbish so I didn't try uploading it till last night. And it worked! Hope you enjoy it, and a big thanks to Max from Collisions and Consequences for the music.

Saturday 5 September 2009

What's been going on?

So, my first real post since Morzine. I've been working as much as possible to try and get my bike fixed but temp jobs don't pay well and don't last for long so my Stinky's still sat in the shed looking sorry for itself. 

I've been out on my hardtail a few times. Aston Hill was an interesting experience, not sure I'll try that again. 

Pete recently moved to a new flat with space to keep a bike. A few days after he moved I got an excited call from him as he'd found some tracks. Minutes later I got another phone call telling me about some jumps he'd found. 

So the next day me and Mark drove down to check them out. Pete wasn't lying. The trails were seriously fun and great for riding on hardtails. It was already mid afternoon by the time we got there so we didn't get much riding in. 

The following weekend I woke up and drove down to Pete's before he'd even got out of bed. We spent the morning riding a brilliant little BMX track then after lunch and a nap headed back to the woods.

If you want to check the woods out for yourself they're opposite the festival site on the other side of the river. Up on the hilly bit. You know the bit I'm talking about right? No? Then have a look on Google Maps.