Thursday 31 December 2009

Last ride of the year

So much has changed at Woburn that I barely recognised it. Even with the cold weather and puddles it was a great days riding. But seriously who wrecked the hip jump?

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Fixed!!! Well, it's rideable

The brakes have no power and the rear wheel bearings have just gone but it works. Just about. If the rain finally stops then I'm going riding tomorrow.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Snow ride

I'm back home in the 'shire and there's still a bit of 'snow' kicking about so I put some thermals on and went out for a little ride. It was so fun. Everyone should try it.

Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas came early

A trip home at the weekend meant a trip to my local bike shop to pick up some new parts for my Stinky. I think I've got everything to get it going again; there's a mech hanger, a new mech, a new chain, new brake pads, a new skewer and new bearings.

There's also some new gloves but they're not going to help get my bike built. I've probably forgotton a load of parts but right now I think that's everything.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Interview ideas

How do you come up with interview questions when you have the attention span of a six year old? Well, first you put on a riding DVD, grab a pen and notepad and scribble down whatever comes to mind.

When the film's finished, type them up on your mac and get it printed off. Then cut them out and re-arrange them into an order that makes sense. Finally send them to your editor and hope to God that he likes them.

Sunday 6 December 2009


This is barely news. And it's not even about mountain bikes. I just wanted to show off what I got in my Christmas cracker last night. Enjoy!

Friday 4 December 2009

Cannock Chase with IMBike Mag

I was like the kids from the Disney Land advert last night. I think Rou had already woken up and set off before I'd managed to nod off. Rou had invited me to join him on a ride so I had to get my bike clean and fixed sharpish.

Cannock Chase is an amazing place to ride with something for everything. Check out the next issue of IMBike mag for the full write up and pictures of riding rather than my bike in the living room.