Wednesday 17 November 2010

Bike Testing

Most the time when you tell someone you've got to test some bikes they think you're just going to spend the day riding and messing about on them. And they'd be right; that's pretty much all you have to do, aside from maybe get a few photos and video footage.

Here's the test videos filmed at Aston Hill of the Giant Glory and Cube Hanzz SL.

Ok, so it isn't all fun and games. It is pretty tough getting the right shot, and there's nothing worse than hearing the words: "That was great, but any chance you can do it again..."

Sunday 7 November 2010

A Year of Tweets

The other day I realised I've been using twitter for a year now. At first I didn't think that much of it but now I love it. It's a great way to stalk pro riders, get all the latest news and shamelessly plug the magazine and forum.

There's a box with my tweets on the side of the blog and if you want to you can also follow me here if you want to. Don't expect it all to be about bikes, there's plenty of random mutterings on there too.