Wednesday 20 January 2010

Snow Joke

For the first time I can remember it properly snowed in the UK. I couldn't even get out the village let alone get anywhere to ride so just sat around doing nothing for two weeks.

Eventually it cleared up and I was able to get to Woburn and Aston Hill to do a bit of 'work' for IMBike mag. Check out issue four when it comes out for the article, pics and a vid. Big thanks to James for coming along and helping out.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

New Tyres, Bearings and Spring!

I'd been wanting some new tyres for months so with the massive sale on at Chain Reaction Cycles it would've been pretty dumb not to get some. Everyone raves about High Rollers and after trying some over the summer it was easy to see why.

For Christmas Pete got me some Pedros tyre levers and they make getting tyres on and off rims ridiculously easy. I'd seriously recommend them to anyone who's fed up off snapping flimsy plastic levers.

After buying the tyres I had enough Christmas money left to get the bearings in my rear wheel replaced. Broadribbs in Bicester had the old ones out and new ones in before lunchtime.

And finally the spring is the one that originally came on my bike. As one of my neighbors pointed out I've "filled out a bit" and the lighter spring I fitted a few years ago just doesn't feel right anymore so I've gone back to the 600lbs spring.

Chicksands is hardly the best place to test new kit but my bike rode so much better. I really wish I sorted everything out earlier.

Friday 1 January 2010

New Year Resolutions 2010

My hangover is just starting to clear up so before the tiredness sets in it's time to do some blogging.

Last year I made my first ever new year resolution so following on from the success of that this year I’ve pushed the boat out and made five! In no particular order here they are:

Learn to tabletop properly. For some reason when I switched to single crown forks I started turning my bars to the left when doing tabletops. It doesn’t look awful; just a bit awkward. It’s something I should have sorted out a while ago so this year I’m going to nail it.

Get faster. The only way to do this is going to be by riding more and practising key skills. Manning up a bit is probably gonna help too.

Get fitter. Getting faster’s all well and good for DH but I’m starting to enjoy XC rides as well. I’m just being held back by my stamina. One day I might even be able to pedal up the hills instead of just pushing.

Better bike maintenance. A bit of a boring one but I could d with looking after my bike a bit more. Starting with cleaning it more often and sorting things out before they become a real problem.

Find somewhere new to visit. Morzine is an amazing place to ride and there are still loads of tracks that I haven’t ridden or even found. But I’ve been going there for three years in a row now and it’s time to find somewhere new. Right now I’m thinking Germany but if anyone wants to fly me Whistler then be my guest.