Tuesday 1 June 2010

Resolutions - 6 Months In

Ok, so at the start of the year I set myself some challenges to try and improve my riding. Six months later here's a recap of how I've been getting on with them.

Learn to tabletop properly. Well, I'm about halfway there. I turn the bars the right way now which is a start. Now I've just got to work on getting the bike 'flatter'. I'll keep working on it.

Get faster. Yep. Don't want to sound bigheaded but I've managed this one. Taken a few crashes and had a few hairy moments but I've got my speed up.

Get fitter. It wouldn't have taken much to be fitter than I was on New Years Day. Gym sessions at uni, a few road rides at home and a few trips to the swimming pool have helped loads with my stamina.

Better bike maintenance. Well, my Kona is running better now than it has been for ages. In contrast my GT Moto is pretty ruined. As soon as I've got some money I'll start replacing the broken bits...

Find somewhere new to visit. Holiday to Winterberg is in a few weeks now. Had a great time riding in the peaks with IMB and have got a few more trips planned. Pretty sweet.

So there you go. Six months left to improve my tabletops and fix my Moto!

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