Thursday 30 December 2010

Top 5 Riding Moments of 2010

Lazy Journalism. It's not the best journalism but it's definitely the easiest, and at this time of the year you see a lot of it, with everyone coming up with a list of the top events of the year. But rather than criticise I decided to jump on the bandwagon and came up with my top 5 riding moments of 2010.

No.5 - Hanchurch Woods, May
Hanchurch Woods up in Stoke isn't the best riding spot in the UK by a long shot. But this was the last time I got to ride with my riding mates at uni. The sun was out, the trails were dry and everyone was in good spirits. It was a great end to my time at uni, and my time in Stoke.

No.4 - Aston Hill, August
Aston Hill is my local riding spot. It's only about 45 minutes away from my house so I try and ride there whenever possible. On this day I wasn't riding too well and I was a bit put off after an ambulance had to be called out to fix a rider after a horrific crash.

But the whole day turned around when I saw an old riding friend and spent the afternoon riding with him. My riding instantly improved and I had a huge confidence boost when I found I could now keep up with him, albeit on tracks I ride all the tim. With the ride over a few of us went for a drink at the nearest pub. What more could you want?

No.3 - Peak District, April
A weekend riding in the Peak's completely changed my mind about cross country riding. I used to think it was alright, but all of a sudden I found it could be fun as well. Hugely challenging but fun as well!

The climbs on the rides were so tough, and the descents weren't much easier either. This was like no riding I had done before and it was so rewarding. The moment I got dropped back in Stoke I started the trail guide, trying desperately to recapture the ride, with a smile still etched on my face.

No.2 - Winterberg Bikepark, June
Winterberg Bikepark was somewhere I'd been wanting to ride for ages and the moment I booked the holiday I was looking forward to it. Thankfully it didn't disappoint. The park is home to one of the best downhill tracks I have ever ridden, as well as a host of other amazing runs and courses.

The riding was only half of the fun with Winterberg. The atmosphere in the town was great, as was the food and drink. Plus we couldn't have stayed at a better hotel, with a balcony overlooking the bikepark and all the surrounding mountains. The perfect place for breakfast in the morning and a beer at night.

No.1 Scotland, June
Every now and then a phone call changes everything. At the end of May I was pretty miserable about finishing uni and heading back home but that changed the moment Rou told me the next week we'd be heading up to Scotland for the World Cup at Fort William and to get in a load of riding.

And that's exactly what happened. I got to watch one of my favourite riders, Gee Atherton, win the race which was just incredible. A few days later we returned and had a go at riding the track ourselves.

We enjoyed it so much that when the gondolas stopped running we pushed up the Nevis Range for another go. It took two hours to get from the car park, to the summit and back down again but it was so worth it.

In between watching the action at Fort Bill and riding it we headed further North to ride Laggan Wolftrax, another absolutely brilliant track. At the end of the trip it rained so hard my tent leaked and we both ended up being eaten alive by midge's, but that's not going to stop the roadtrip to Scotland from being my top riding moment of 2010.

So with just a matter of hours left this year, here's to hoping for more of the same in 2011. Happy riding everyone!

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