Wednesday 20 April 2011

IMB Issue 11 Goes Live

IMB Issue 11 went live yesterday morning, and it's one of the best ones we've made, with the Kielder Trail Guide, Merida trip to Mallorca and a big feature on the World Cup.

Deadline week is always pretty tough, and this issue was no exception. By the end of it you're pretty ruined. Lack of sleep is probably the worst thing, but my knees started giving up from being sat a desk for so long, and my shoulder felt like it was hanging off from leaning on said desk for so long.

A bit of casual seep depravation is the order of the day and the more tired you get, the worse your language becomes, to the point the worst words you know become the norm. That always takes a bit of adjusting to when you break free of the office and let out back into civilisation.

But after seeing what Karen's done with all the text and photos it all seems worth it. So here's to hoping it won't be as bad next issue!

There are some breaks from writing though, and sneaking out on a bike is the best way to use them. On one such break Will came along with his camera and one of his shots of me ended up on the cover. Will is a great photographer and he's also seriously fun to work with.

Not massively sure how I feel about being on the cover of the magazine. We needed a photo of someone in a half-lid and we couldn't find one so the best thing to do was to make one. It's a bit of an achievement but I'd much rather see a pro rider who isn't pulling a stupid face on the front!

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