Sunday 1 May 2011

Rogate DH Take Two

Work a three day week? You must be mad! I did what so many other people across the country did and booked them off and headed out riding. So on Wednesday me and Pete loaded up the car and drove down to Rogate.

I absolutely loved it there last time and it was eve better the second time round. A lot has changed since my last visit, not least the weather. All the tracks are now taped out making them, and the push ups much more obvious. The bottom doubles have also been turned into tabletops, making them more accessible for those new to jumping. Although it did make them look a lot tamer in photos...

The top section at Rogate is so exposed and had dried out so much it was like riding in a sandpit, but rather than complaining we just stuck to the tracks that started at the fireroads. Some of the little drops and jumps caught us out on the first run down and later on I managed to set myself up on a proper sketchy line!

As well as the two main tracks we tried out some of the tighter slightly technical runs. I had a go at seeing how far I could get down without using my breaks, almost doubled up two drops and then wiped out on a berm. I'd seriously recommend giving it a go! Maybe not the crashing though.

We had the whole place to ourselves all day which meant we could mess about with the camera without getting in anyone's way. Can't wait for the next visit!

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