Tuesday 27 December 2011

Winterberg Ski and Snowboard

With two riding trips to Morzine, racing in the Megavalanche and going to mulitple weddings, me and my girlfriend never really had a chance to go on a proper summer holiday together. A couple of weeks ago we saw people boasting about German Christmas markets coming to their towns. We got talking and she said she'd really like to go to a real one, but she also wanted to go skiing again.

I'd never been on a snow sports holiday but really wanted to get into snowboarding. She'd never been to Germany but wanted to go to a Christmas market. Hmm, a plan was hatched. To Winterberg!

I went  biking here last year and loved the town so was keen to visit again, and learning to snowboard gave me an excuse to buy a cool coat and more goggles! Love my goggles. I booked a few lessons at Xscape, spoke to Ellis who I'd stayed with before and soon enough we were on the flight over to Dortmund.

In the weeks leading up to the holiday I'd been frantically checking the live web cameras of the slopes, but had yet to see a single snow flake. Needless to say it was a massive relief to start seeing more and more snow as the train made it's way to the small town. In fact we were incredibly lucky and had fresh snow every day! More than enough to have our own beer fridge on the balcony...

The first day was spent on a blue slope, with both of us trying to remember how to ski or board. By the second day we'd figured out how to use the maps and ventured out. It wasn't until the third day that I made it down a red run without nearly killing myself! Great fun though.

On Thursdays the slopes are floodlit so you can stay out till late and ski in the dark. The lifts run until 10pm, and while we weren't overly tired, cold or worn out, we didn't make it to the end, just because we couldn't take anymore euro-pop! On the way back to the B&B Harriet went a bit 'urban' skiing down the roads. Not quite J.P Auclair style, but pretty cool to watch!

By the final day we really didn't want to leave, but it was Christmas Eve and we really needed to be heading home!

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