Tuesday 17 April 2012

IMB Issue 17 Goes Live

 The latest issue of IMB has just gone live and features an interview with one of my all time riding heroes Fabien Barel. Getting photos for this feature was a bit of a nightmare, but Irmo Keizer steped forwards and saved the day. I love the opening DPS our designer created for this. It was great to find out about what Barel's been up to since 'retiring', no doubt it's going to be a very different World Cup series without him.

Also in this issue with Morewood's Lloyd Ramsay. I'd spoken to Lloyd a couple of times over twitter about working on an article together so it was great to make it happen. Oh, and the Trail Guide and 'glamping' in Dartmoor. The less said about that the better really...

Fabien Barel
 Morewood Bikes - 10 Years Strong
 Trail Guide

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