Wednesday 22 August 2012

IMB Issue 19 Goes LIve

The latest issue of IMB has just gone live! It was a pretty tough issue and it took a lot of hard work to get it finished, but it's full of some great features. Last month I was lucky enough to interview Brook MacDonald just days before his first World Cup victory in Val d'Isere. While I wasn't able to get into the venue itself, I was able to go to Hadleigh Farm to watch the Men's Cross Country Olympic race! The atmosphere in the town was incredible! They certainly got into the Olympic Spirit!

There's also the Red Bull Joyride slopestyle contest as well as a photography profile with Swedish snapper Simon Sjoren. And of course the trail guide made a return this issue! We headed to Coed Llandegla. I don't think I've been on a better trail ride in the UK. So many tabletops! Can't wait to head back for another ride without Rou and his hay fever...

You know what, looking at the contents page, the first five stories are all mine. True story.

Brook MacDonald
 London 2012
Simon Sjoren Photography Profile
Red Bull Joyride
Coed Llandegla Trail Guide

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