Tuesday 1 March 2011

Six Pack in Six Weeks

Also just spotted over on Rou’s blog that his next challenge is to get a six pack in six weeks. There’s roughly six weeks until the next IMB deadline when I’ll be down staying at his and working in the office.

Everywhere you go on the internet these days you get bombarded with adverts offering you to get ‘super ripped’ or ‘mega hench’ in a few weeks and I’m convinced it can’t be done.

So while he’s dieting and counting the calories, maybe even watching some ‘how to’ videos on youtube, I’m going to continue eating bread, pasta, potato’s and cakes. Come deadline week we’ll compare and see who’s got the best ‘abs’.

I’m not really sure this is going to prove anything, and I’ve lost where I’m going with it; I just like to winding Rou up. Plus this is great motivation for Mission 365!

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