Tuesday 1 March 2011

Mission 365

February’s come to an end and with it so to has Rou’s ‘Mission 28’. For 28 days Rou set himself a challenge that everyday he had to ride a bike, kitesurf, or workout. Even with two magazine deadlines and a few press launches he managed it so fair play to him for that.

But 28 days isn’t really that many. I mean, February is the shortest month of the year so it’s an easy option. With that in mind I’ve created my own challenge, ‘Mission 365’. It’s a bit like Mission 28 except instead of all the faffing about with riding and exercising I just have to get out of bed everyday.

Obviously starting a project like this in March is a bit dumb so I’m going to back date it to the start of the year making today day 59 out of 365. I’m pretty pleased with myself that I’ve made it this far, and I’m quietly confident that I can use this momentum and build on it to wake up tomorrow.

Things are looking up for the rest of the year. Mission 365 is go!

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