Sunday 5 June 2011

Fort William World Cup

Santa Cruz Syndicate's Greg Minnaar and Trek World Racing's Tracy Moseley have now made it an incredible five wins each at Fort William after an afternoon of some of the most exciting racing ever seen on the world cup circuit.

After a bad start to his World Cup Season in Pietermaritzburg, and a disappointing qualifying run Mick Hannah was keen to make amends and promptly did so, getting himself onto the hot seat.

Few riders came close to Hannah's time but no-one seemed able to match the power Hannah put down in the final part of the track. Josh Button managed to knock Hannah off the top spot, closely followed by Scott 11 rider Fabien Pedemanaud. Then Brook McDonald smashed Pedemanaud's time by over seven seconds, really putting the pressure on every at the top of the mountain.

McDonald's time was untouchable and it wasn't until Minnaar crossed the line that he was knocked off, but with only three riders left McDonald was guaranteed a place on the podium.

Danny Hart was the next rider down and was getting seriously wild on the top section of the track. He was over the moon placing third in qualifying but would he be able to step it up on his race run? He crossed the line greeted by the loudest roar from the crowd just over a second behind Greg's time.

Next rider down Gee Atherton was under so much pressure after winning here last year, but as he crossed the finish line it was clear that something wasn't quite right. In fact Gee's rear wheel was smashed to pieces yet he was still able to ride to the bottom of the course and finish in fourth place.

All eyes were on Aaron Gwin as he set off from the starters gate. After winning the first round and the US open many people were expecting Gwin to walk away with first place again today. Gwin's time at the second split would have put him in first place, but a small mistake cost him dearly and he ended up finishing in fifth, allowing Minnaar not only to win at Fort William for the fifth time, but also to take the overall lead.

1st Greg Minnarr - 4:43.854
2nd Danny Hart - 4:45.153
3rd Brook McDonold - 4:45.788
4th Gee Atherton - 4:46.858
5th Aaron Gwin - 4:47.047

Full results here.

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