Wednesday 15 June 2011

IMB Issue 12 Goes Live

Issue 12 of IMB has just gone live. It's quite funny looking back through the last launch post and reading the words: "here's to hoping it won't be as bad next issue!". It was as bad. This issue there was the added challenge of trying to write the Trail Guide with no recollection of any of the day's riding.

After driving all the way up to Fort William for the World Cup it made sense to visit one of the 7Staines trail centres, and we hooked up with ride guide/coach Clive Forth. The photos from the day look amazing, so I can only assuming the riding matched it, as I overshot one of the jumps in the skills area, crashing on the take-off to the next jump and knocking myself unconscious. Smooth.

I woke up on the ground with no idea where I was, what I'd been doing or where the brand new DaKine clothes I was wearing had come from. Hopefully it'll make for a good read!

Fort William
Mabie Trail Guide

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