Wednesday 6 May 2009

2 parks 1 bike

Me and Mark managed it this week. Chicksands and Woburn Sands in one day. We called in at Chicksands first and rode their for a few hours. Nothing seemed to really click though until we rode the bull run, my favourite trail at Chicky that I couldn't ride previously because I was whining about a bad back.  

With a drop and two pretty big jumps the bull run is really fun to ride. And to make it even better the trail ends with some short, sharp berms. 

After midday we packed up and headed over to Woburn. Straight away we saw more evidence of building there. The landing to the second hip had been built up slightly and the berm at the top of the hip trail had been re-enforced. 

We had a great time up there playing cat and mouse chasing each other down the trails into the final ski jump. Before we left we found a way of making the mini-road gap link to the final jump, making the gap more worthwhile.  

Here's a video I put together of the bull run. I've edited to have a black and white effect. Let me know what you think. 


  1. I like the vid in black and white. Our day sounds very romantic too

  2. The last post about me and you riding together sounds even worse.
