Sunday 24 May 2009

Woburn Sands

Apparently yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far and it definitely felt like it in the small patch of woodland that makes up Woburn Sands.  

Myself, Peter, Mark and Colver made it to Woburn bright and early and after a warm up on the hip line we headed over to a kicker near the dirt jump area. 

The good weather meant the trails were as dusty as ever which made it great for filming. It made it less good for riding without goggles. All the photo's from the day can be found here.


  1. That picture looks amazing. Have all of them come out as good as that? The sample vid looks cool to. Looking forward to seeing the complete edit.

  2. Yeah all the pics are looking good and they're now up on flickr. Just click on the link in the story.

  3. What's with the music george? it sounds like you singing!
