Monday 4 May 2009

May Day at Aston Hill

It was a bit of a weird days riding today. Me and Pete started in full waterproofs, switched to shorts and t-shirts then by the end of the day were back in waterproofs. The joys of the British summertime. 

When we arrived it was just starting to rain so we headed over to the 4x track before it became too slippy to ride. I didn't attempt the road gap as I'm not great at it at the best of times, let alone in the wet and without Alex to guide me in.   

After the first costume change we headed down DH4. Pete wanted to ride in front and coyly said "I hope I don't slow you down", before setting off at a blinding pace. We rode the track later in the afternoon, after another change of clothes, and change of weather but had to be a bit more cautious and couldn't match the pace. 

DH3 is always fun to ride in the wet but the weekends birthday celebrations caught up with us and we had no energy for the sprint start and ended up just pumping most of the track; still good fun though. 

As per usual the AC's were out in full force but I also spoke to 'factory Joe' who I met at the BUCS, and Greg, who I met out in Morzine last summer.  

1 comment:

  1. Was another good days riding. Just read more of your blog again and hadn't notice you had put the mission 9 stuff up. The pics look really good.

    I like the AC reference.
