Thursday 30 April 2009

Forget the flu let's ride

Me and Mark had been planning a trip to ride Chicksands and Woburn Sands in the same day but last night we both watched the BBC news and weather and got the impression that by morning we'd be dead from swine flu and living underwater from all the rain. 

So we were pretty relieved to be alive in the morning and find that the sun was shining. Unfortunately though, due to me waking up late we were only able to ride at one park and we chose Woburn. 

Dust masks stopped us from catching the flu and the predicted foot of rain didn't turn up. For a couple of hours we were the only riders there so we were able to get some really good riding footage. Rather than just throwing it all together I'm going to take some time and put together a good edit. 

As ever with Woburn there were new features, this time a different line into the hip that jumps over the old track and sends you towards the hip with way more speed than before. I soon found out that ore speed isn't always good. Luckily Mark caught it on camera so keep your eyes peeled once the video's uploaded. 

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