Sunday 5 April 2009

Woburn Sands ride

This weekend my older brother, Pete joined me and some riding friends for a trip to Woburn Sands. The original plan was to wake up early so that we could spend the morning riding at Woburn and the afternoon at Chicksands. 

Unfortunately Pete's bike had other plans and he spent the morning getting it fixed at our local bike shop who have always done a great job of looking after both our bikes. They managed to get his cranks secure and spinning and we were able to spend the afternoon riding. 

Pete is an annoyingly naturally talented rider. He often goes months without spending any time on a bike, only to be riding at his usual high standard within minutes. 

One of the fun things about riding at Woburn is that it's constantly changing, and today was no exception. The trail gap has had a bit of a revamp with the take-off being raised and moved further away from the landing. 

The trail gap is now bigger than ever but still has the super smooth landing it's always had. For me though, the best part of Woburn is the hip jump trail which we spent a lot of the day sessioning. 

We all put in a couple of runs on the smaller road gap, which we managed to get a video of before the camera ran out. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey up Mate,

    Cheers for the mention in your blog, was a good read this morning. By the sounds of it Aston hill has got better. Will have to go some time. Will be back sat afternoon ready for the Sunday ride.

