Monday 6 April 2009

Aston Hill

It's been over a year since I last rode at Aston Hill and a lot has changed up there since then. Thankfully it's all changed for the better. 

A team of volunteers have put in a lot of hard work to keep the trails maintained and riding better than ever. 

If I'm honest I never used to have a lot of good things to say about Aston but today was great. DH4 is still my favourite track up there with it's drops and tight switch backs but even the infamous black run was fun to ride. 

A fair amount of time was spent playing about on, and filming the jumps on the 4x track so there'll be a video posted up here soon.

I had a few attempts at the road gap but never quite managed to clear it smoothly. Alex on the other hand managed to float over it on his first run. 

Surprisingly the hill was pretty empty with just a handful of other riders making the most of the good weather. 

No write up of Aston Hill is complete without mentioning the push up. Yes it's tiring and an uplift service would be great but there's no denying that the 15 minute struggle isn't worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Mate don't be harsh on yourself about the road gap i only cleared it as i had done it a lot before!
