Friday 20 February 2009

Broken hand is healed, Jan 23rd

Back in December in a non-bike related incident I broke a bone in my hand. A few hospital trips later and I was in a cast with some metal wires holding my hand together. Today the cast finally came off and the wires came out

The wires came out pain free and I was able to see a physiotherapist straight away who told me that although I'll get full movement and strength back, I shouldn't ride a bike for another eight weeks.  

Two years ago I fell off my bike and broke my wrist and to help re-build grip strength I brought a powerball, some handgrips, a grip master and most recently a motogrip forearm trainer. At the moment I'm just letting my hand rest and doing my physio exercises, but in a week or two I'll get them out and see if they help speed up the recovery.

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