Friday 20 February 2009

Spring Clean, Jan 24th

The last time I got to ride my Kona was in September. It was freshers week and a friend from Liverpool drove to Stoke, picked me up, drove to my house, packed up my bike and riding gear and took me to ride Woburn Sands with him. 

Everything on my bike was running smoothly and it was happily taking all the abuse I threw at it. After lunch we packed up and headed over to ride Chicksands. Sprinting towards the first jump on the duel track I heard a horrible crunch sound and saw a chunk of plastic fly past.

I'd somehow bent my mech hanger and mangled my rear derailleur beyond repair, which stopped me from riding for the rest of the afternoon. Once I was back at uni I brought a new mech hanger and a new derailleur with the intention of fitting them when I returned home at Christmas. 

Having my hand in a cast over the Christmas holidays put a stop to my plans but as I was home to get my hand fixed I decided to sort out my bike as well. I washed both my Kona and GT outside and then turned the kitchen into a workshop to fit everything and give my Kona a quick service. 

Everything went on fine and both bikes are now pretty much race ready. I've just got to sort myself out now.

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