Wednesday 8 July 2009

Morzine day five: More rain!

When it rains here it sounds like someone is blasting the window with a pressure washer. And that's what we all woke up to this morning. We waited till it stopped then got on the Super Morzine uplift to go and ride the trails at Linderates again.

After all last nights rain and the rain from the morning, "Zeus Juice' was insanely sllippy. I think everyone must have slipped off at some point. Me and Pete didn't even bother with the other trails and Mark went home after just two runs. What me and Pete did do was go and ride an all mountain trail with Paul and Lewis over in Switzerland.

There were a few uphill sections and pedally bits but it was still a fun track and Paul and Lewis are great to ride with. When we rolled back into Linderates we bumped into Alex and Matt who'd been riding 'Tuna Kebab' or 'Poke the Pasty'. Something wet and slippy.
Me and Pete had to head back to Morzine via Gravellanche so we could get are bikes clean for our trip to Les Clusaz tomorrow and so Pete could buy some more spokes. He's picked up and expensive habbit of snapping them on rocks.

Anyone staying in Morzine needs to buy some meat and get themselves to the Sherper Bar on Wednesday evenings for the weekly free BBQ. You provide the meat, they provide everything else. I stuffed my face. The others are still there now but I couldn't afford to buy €7 bottles of Magners.Weather for Morzine is meant to be more rain tomorrow, although where we're off to is meant to be dry. Hopefully. 


  1. When you say the trails in linderat do you mean the ones that run down from avoriaz into the bowl. Think one of them is an old French national course. Have you ridden the new trails of in chatel ( pre ja loux). I'm out in early august and would love to know what they're like. Planning on goin to morgins too. Cheers j

  2. Hiya, yeah they're the trails. The ones we rode are further along from the french national track. Rode the new tracks at Chatel today, just writing about them now. Definitely worth checking out. Meant to ride Morgins yesterday but had a bit of a 'mechanical' on the way. Hopefully riding there on Monday. Keep checking the blog and have a good holiday

  3. cheers george, hope you get your headset "issue" sorted. Herad morgins is great with no braking bumps

  4. loving the blog, dang that food looks good..

  5. Anonymous: Yeah that food was amazing. Going back for some more tomorrow.

    Jamie: Finally made it to Morgins today. Just doing the write up. Last year it was amazing; this year was a bit of a let down.
