Monday 6 July 2009

Morzine day three: A day in Les Gets

Another late start today. We woke up early enough but after yesterdays rain and the chance of more rain later on meant that no-one really had much motivation. We waterproofed up, fitted our neoguards and headed out to Les Gets. 

On the way over Alex slid out on some board walk and I decided to join in on the action and spanked it as well. 

When we got to Les Gets we jumped on the Chavannes chairlift then rode over to the new tracks. They're pretty fun but a lot of the jumps on the trails don't really work and sap up loads of energy. Although the jump at the start of the black run (pictured) is pretty cool. 

I can't remember the name of the trail but the bottom section of it was awesome. Nice big berms and some rooty sections in between. 

We caught up with some other guys from the Chalet and they took us down some of the unmarked tracks then me, Mark and Pete did some runs on Mont Chery while Alex and Matt went back to the new trails. 

The predicted rain didn't show up so we were all sweating a bit in our waterproof trousers, except Pete who tore his open at the crotch, and spent the afternoon showing off his pants to anyone and everyone. 

It's meant to rain all day tomorrow so I don't know what we'll ride. Especially now Pete's waterproofs are useless.

Hi Marian and David!


  1. hey man,
    spotted that you have a pretty good blog...been looking at it. Really hope the weather picks up for you, 2007 was a wet one 2006 was the hottest i've ever been!
    We'll have to arrange something down in chicksands if you like, that would be ace. Possibly going to llandegla on Saturday with my mate, and hopefully going to whinlatter forest the next week.

    Take care


  2. Cheers Allen. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me! Yeah the weather's meant to pick up later in the week. Yeah a ride together would be good. Maybe Aston Hill?

  3. I came back from Morzine a week early this season, but really enjoying reading your blog. brings back memorys.
    I can't work out whether I rode Linderates or not, which direction was that?
    That jump over the berm you've got a photo of is wicked, got a picture of me jumping my bro as he went under, good photo though captured the size alot better than mine.
    Nicee oneee
