Thursday 9 July 2009

Morzine day six: A trip to La Clusaz with the search

Before we flew out here Mark booked a few of us on a day trip to La Clusaz with the search. Mark had ridden there before and wanted to go back, and I fancied a day of riding trails that weren't covered in braking bumps.

Nick and James arrived bright and early and soon had our bikes on the trailer and our 'dirty box' in the back of the van. La Clusaz's just over an hour away from Morzine and the trip was worth every penny.I wasn't really awake when we left and when we got there I realised I'd left my gloves and Knee pads back at the chalet. James took pity on me and lent me a pair of spare gloves and his elbow pads which stretched over my tiny legs. 

It's gonna be pretty hard describing the tracks they've got up there. There's only so many times you can write the words smooth, fun, and flowy. The top section on the first mountain is pretty narrow but still really fast with some tight berms and loose rocks. 
Then it opens up with some big table tops, step downs and a road gap big enough to scare some riders and excite others. Nick and James hit it straight away. On the last run down I followed Nick into it and realised what I'd been missing out on.

The second trail on the mountain cuts into the forest and twists its way down. It's a pretty long track with more tight corners. The track is really satisfying but by the end of it my arms and even my feet were aching like mad. 

The second mountain is much more open with some big berms. If you prefer steep off camber rooty corners then the guys are more than happy to point them out to you. I can't remember much of the track except there's a huge tabletop on part and an indiana jones style rope bridge! 

The guys from the search rode with us all day but it was always up to us where we rode and how fast we rode. They were great. The journey back to Morzine was a bit of a challenge to see who could stay awake the longest. Luckily Nick who was driving won.

1 comment:

  1. awesome pics, could i use one for my website on the la clusaz page? i've not been there but it looks pretty sweet - shows how much good stuff there is close to PDS that people should know about.

    let me know, cheers mate
