Friday 10 July 2009

Morzine day seven: Game over?

Headsets shouldn't look like this. Mine does. Whilst riding yesterday the top part of my headset felt a bit loose so I fitted an extra spacer on it and it rode for the rest of the day. Heading out to Morgins this morning  my bike started making a horrible clonking sound. 

I tightened everything up but the sound wouldn't go away. When we got to the top of the Monsette uplift I loosened the stem bolts and headset and the lower cups fell out. I had no choice other than to get back on the lift and take it easy back to Morzine. 

A french guide told me the word for 'broken' but the uplift guy didn't understand it. He also didn't understand 'snapped', 'kaput', 'cracked', or 'busted' but the word 'fucked' got the message across.

My bikes in a repair shop right now but it's not a case of simply fitting a new headset. The lower cups need to be really deep so the forks don't hit the down tube when I x-up and there's a pretty high chance the head tube has flared. 

Anyone wanna buy me a new frame? Solid Mission 7,  Specialized SX Trail or Morewood Izimu would do very nicely.

1 comment:

  1. noooo!!!!!! oh dear!! hope it gets fixed cos im not buying a new one :D love louise x :D :D
