Sunday 5 July 2009

Morzine day two: Arghm pump

Well, it wasn't too bad but it was definitely there. Woke up around 8ish but didn't make it onto the trails till half 11. It was nice and sunny when we woke up but Mark needed to build his bike up and had to sort his gears out. 

In fact we all had some mechanicals today. Matt woke up to find his front tyre had mysteriously punctured. Alex's cassette rattled loose on Pleney, which also claimed a spoke from Pete's rear wheel. 
Oh, and I smashed my rear mech and mech hanger landing a jump on Chavannes. I had to ride the rest of the track and all the way back to Morzine chain-less. It took ages. 

The main track on Pleney wasn't too bad although 10% was pretty dodgy. Last year it was fairly smooth but this year it's littered with giant braking bumps. A few of the guys from the Chalet had warned us that Chavannes was pretty ruined and they were right. I loved the top section but doubt I'll ride the whole track again.

There was a bit of rain when we were on Pleney but coasting it back to Morzine it pissed it down and I got soaked. A few hours later the others returned even wetter.

Gonna go sort my bike out. Mark's got a spare mech out here so will fit that for now and wait for CRC to deliver a new one. Works out cheaper to order one over than buy one out here. Then it's jacuzzi time! 

Weather for tomorrow is more showers but less water. Hopefully.

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